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North Western Fells

The North Western Fells are a group of hills in the English Lake District. Including such favourites as Catbells and Grisedale Pike, they occupy an oval area beneath the Buttermere and Borrowdale valley systems. The North Western Fells are characterised by soaring east-west ridges and an absence of mountain tarns.

The Lake District is a National Park in the north west of the country which, in addition to its lakes, contains a complex range of hills. These are known locally as fells and range from low hills to the highest ground in England. Hundreds of tops exist and many writers have attempted to draw up definitive lists. In doing so the compilers frequently divide the range into smaller areas to aid their description.

The most influential of all such authors was Alfred Wainwright whose Pictorial Guide to the Lakeland Fells series has sold in excess of 2 million copies, being in print continuously since the first volume was published in 1952. Wainwright divided the fells into seven geographical areas, each surrounded by valleys and low passes. While any such division must be arbitrary- and later writers have deviated to a greater or lesser extent from this blueprint- Wainwright's sevenfold division remains the best known partitioning of the fells into 'sub ranges', each with its own characteristics. The North Western Fells are one of these divisions, covered by volume 6 of Wainwright's work.

The North Western Fells form a self-contained unit, its borders being well defined. The only link with other high ground is at the summit of Honister Pass in the extreme south. Across the depression are Fleetwith Pike and the Western Fells. The streams falling east and west from Honister turn gradually northward and flow along roughly parallel courses for around 12 miles. On the west is the River Cocker and its headwaters, passing through the lakes of Buttermere and Crummock Water. The eastern boundary is formed by the Derwent system, including Derwent Water and Bassenthwaite Lake. The Derwent ultimately turns westward and is joined by the Cocker at the town of Cockermouth, completing the circuit.

