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Nordic Resistance Movement

Nordic Resistance Movement

Swedish: Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen; NMR,

Norwegian: Nordiske motstandsbevegelsen; NMB,

Finnish: Pohjoismainen vastarintaliike; PVL,

Danish: Nordiske modstandsbevægelse; NMB
Leader Simon Lindberg
Founder Klas Lund
Founded 2016
Newspaper Nordfront
Ideology National Socialism
Political position Far right
Colours Green
Party flag
Flag of Nordic Resistance Movement.png
Nordic Resistance Movement
Nordiska motståndsrörelsen
Leader Simon Lindberg
Founder Klas Lund
Founded 1 December 1997
Newspaper Nordfront
Ideology National Socialism
Political position Far right
Colours Green
0 / 349
European Parliament
0 / 18
0 / 1,662
1 / 12,978
Party flag
Flag of Nordic Resistance Movement.png

The Nordic Resistance Movement (Swedish: Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen; NMR, Norwegian: Nordiske motstandsbevegelsen; NMB, Finnish: Pohjoismainen vastarintaliike; PVL, Danish: Nordiske modstandsbevægelse; NMB) is a Nordic National Socialist movement that exists in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark.

In the mid-1990s, a number of former members of the White Aryan Resistance (Swedish: Vitt Ariskt Motstånd), also known as VAM laid the foundation of what was called Svenska motståndsrörelsen (SMR) or the Swedish Resistance Movement founded in December 1997. Later on a similar Norwegian resistance movement was established. Both SMR and the Norwegian resistance movement, became more militant in their rhetoric. In 2006, Sweden's Nationell Ungdom (in English National Youth) was merged into the main organization. The Norwegian resistance movement resurfaced again in 2010. The Finnish Resistance Movement was founded between 2006 and 2007 and in 2013 the Danish Resistance Movement was founded. All these similar-aimed and named organizations are affiliated in the Nordic Resistance Movement, an umbrella organization coordinating their efforts.

In 2016, a Nordic Resistance Movement was officialized having four separate departments, the Swedish Resistance Movement (SMR), Finnish Resistance Movement (Suomen Vastarintaliike), the Norwegian resistance movement (The Norwegian Motstandsbevegelsen) and the Danish Resistance Movement (Den Danske Modstandsbevægelse). In June 2016, Nordic Resistance Movement further emphasized in a press release that these departments are branches of the same organization and that the old names and abbreviations should not be used anymore.

The Nordic Resistance Movement advocates an immediate stop to mass immigration to the Scandinavian countries, and as soon as possible implementing the repatriation of the majority of peoples that are not of North European descent from the Nordic countries. It also advocates the eventual creation of one unified Nordic self-sufficient state with a common military, common currency and central bank. Mass media shall be owned exclusively by citizens of the new North. Domestic as well as foreign media that act and behave hostile towards the Nordic people, shall be banned. The Nordic state will introduce national military conscription and expand the military. All those who have completed service in the Nordic military service will keep their weapon and gear. Each citizen should be able to aid in the defense of the nation towards domestic as well as foreign enemies. Memberships in The European Union and other similar associations will immediately be terminated.

