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Night Creepers

Night Creeper
G.I. Joe character
Illustration of Night Creepers from G.I. Joe: Battle Files #2
First appearance 1990
Affiliation Cobra
Specialty Cobra Ninja
File name Unknown
Subgroups Ninja Force

The Night Creepers are a syndicate of hi-tech ninjas/corporate mercenaries hired by Cobra as spies and assassins.

The Night Creepers are Swiss bankers who have been highly trained in martial arts, and equipped with cutting-edge technology. These "corporate ninja" mercenaries handles Cobra's bankroll, as well as the organization's most dangerous assassination missions. Unlike the Arashikage clan, Night Creepers would prefer a laser-cut carbon-fiber-composite weapon, to an ancient 13th century blade. They are not united by blood or history, they are only interested in progress and profit.

Led by a mysterious man known as Aleph, the Night Creeper Leader contracts their services out to criminal organizations, or individuals who can meet his excessive fee. While Cobra was temporarily dissolved, the Night Creepers offered their services for other highly paid ventures, such as assassinating CEOs of corporations, and assisting in hostile takeovers.

In the Marvel Comics G.I. Joe series, the Night Creepers first appear in issue #107. They contract their services to Cobra Commander, who gives them their first assignment: kill the former Cobra ninja Storm Shadow. They almost succeed, until Storm Shadow is confronted by Scarlett, and the two of them disappear beneath a subway train.

They become a recurring enemy of the Ninja Force. When Ninja Force goes to Beirut, Lebanon, to help the arms dealer Destro, the Night Creepers are involved in a Joe/Cobra fight against Ninja Force and the "Sky Commandos". Their headquarters is then raided, when Destro allies himself with Chuckles, Wild Bill, Billy and Zartan. Destro uses the Night Creepers' resources to gain back the Baroness, by wiping out Cobra bank accounts. To save his fortunes, Cobra Commander agrees to return the Baroness to him, and remove the Cobra bounty from Destro's head.

They later appear in issue #135, when attacking the scientific facility of Doctor Biggles-Jones. All inside, with the exception of the Doctor, are killed. She and her rail gun are taken. The Doctor protests the Creepers slaying her personal assistant, a balding older man, but they do anyway. In the next issue, they once again encounter Storm Shadow and the Ninja Force.

