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Chuckles (G.I. Joe)

G.I. Joe character
First appearance 1987
Affiliation G.I. Joe
Specialty Undercover
File name Provost, Philip M.
Birth place Little Rock, Arkansas
Rank E-5 (Sergeant)
Primary MOS Criminal Investigations
Secondary MOS Intelligence

Chuckles is a fictional character from the G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero toyline, comic books and cartoon series. He is the G.I. Joe Team's undercover specialist and debuted in 1987.

His real name is Philip M. Provost, and his rank is that of sergeant E-5. Chuckles was born in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Chuckles's primary MOS is criminal investigations, and his secondary is intelligence. His first exposure to "hole-and-corner" operations was working for Southeastern Insurance Group in Fort Lauderdale, he then eventually made his way to the US Army's Criminal Investigations Division before joining G.I. Joe. He is known for being so conscientious about keeping up his "cover" that he volunteers for missions no one else wants.

Chuckles is naturally likable, which has made him well suited for undercover operations. His gregarious nature also helps him to earn the trust of his marks, so that they have no idea that he's actually spying on them. Chuckles does this not for any accolades or recognition, for there is no record on file crediting him with the information he provides. He's aware of the consequences of being found out, but he's also confident in his ability to talk his way out of any situation.

Chuckles first appeared as an action figure in 1987. He was released as part of the "Operation: Flaming MOTH" set of exclusives sold by the G.I. Joe Collector's Club in 2006, representing the first figure sold of the character in nineteen years; his filecard hinted that he is an expert at faking his own death, a nod to his demise in the Devil's Due G.I. Joe Vol. 2 comic series that was ultimately deemed uncanonical following the expiration of Devil's Due's license with Hasbro in 2008.

A new mold of the character appeared in the 25th-anniversary line as a part of Hasbro's 2007 "Assault on Cobra Island" seven-figure pack, and was featured in a two-pack (with series newcomer Freestyle) that was released as a 2013 G.I. Joe Convention exclusive.

