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Navarrese Left Union

Navarrese Left Union
Unión Navarra de Izquierdas
Leader Javier Erice
Founded 1977; 40 years ago (1977)
Dissolved 1982; 35 years ago (1982)
Merger of 1979-1978: Euskal Iraultzarako Alderdia (EIA)
Euskadiko Mugimendu Komunista (EMK)
Organization of Communist Left (OIC-EKE)
Revolutionary Organization of Workers (ORT)
December 1978-1982: Revolutionary Organization of Workers (ORT)
Ideology Basque nationalism
Political position Far-left
Parliament of Navarre (1979)
1 / 70
Town councillors (1979)
34 / 1,932

Navarrese Left Union (Spanish: Unión Navarra de Izquierdas), better known by its acronym UNAI was an electoral coalition formed in 1977 to present a list in the first democratic elections in Spain since 1936 in the constituency of Navarre. UNAI was the sister coalition of Euskadiko Ezkerra, that presented lists in Gipuzkoa, Araba and Bizkaia.

UNAI was formed by several Basque nationalist and communist parties that had been part of the platform Euskal Erakunde Herritarra. The members of the coalition were Euskal Iraultzarako Alderdia (EIA), Euskadiko Mugimendu Komunista (EMK), the Organization of Communist Left (OIC-EKE) and the Revolutionary Organization of Workers (ORT). UNAI advocated the right of self-determination and the incorporation of Navarre to the Basque Country.

In the general election of July 1977 the head of the list was Javier Erice, who had been mayor of Pamplona for a few months in 1976, until he was dismissed by the civil governor. UNAI brought together the majority of the left-wing Basque nationalist vote in Navarre, obtaining the 9.47% of the total vote and becoming the third political force in the province. Despite this relative success, the 24,489 votes were not enough to gain a deputy in the Constituent Parliament (UCD obtained three deputies and the PSE-PSOE the other two). UNAI also failed to gain representation in the Senate.

