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Euskadiko Mugimendu Komunista

Communist Movement of Euskadi
Euskadi Mugimendu Komunista
Leader Patxi Iturrioz
Founded 1966 (1966) as ETA-Berri
Dissolved 1991 (1991)
Merged into Zutik
Newspaper Zer Egin?
Youth wing Kemen
Ideology Communism
Basque nationalism
Political position Far-left
Congreso de los Diputados (1978-79)
1 / 26
Inside Euskadiko Ezkerra
Town councillors in the Basque Country (1979)
9 / 3,827

Communist Movement of Euskadi (Basque: Euskadi Mugimendu Komunista, EMK; Spanish: Movimiento Comunista de Euskadi) was originally the branch of the Communist Movement (MC) in Basque Country and Navarre, Spain. EMK was previously known as ETA Berri, a splinter group of ETA. EMK separated itself from MC in 1983. In 1991 EMK merged with LKI (the Basque branch of LCR) and formed Zutik in Basque Country. In Navarre EMK took part in forming Batzarre. Some of its most prominent leaders were Patxi Iturrioz, Eugenio del Río, Rosa Olivares Txertudi, Milagros Rubio, Jesús Urra Bidaurre and the brothers Javier and Ignacio Álvarez Dorronsoro.

Although initially influenced by Trotskyism, thriving in Europe after the French May 68, EMK adopted a Maoist ideology, inspired by the Chinese Cultural Revolution, but over the years, specially after 1981-82, EMK gradually abandoned its previous ideologies (Orthodox Marxism, Leninism, Maoism). Active in Navarre and the Basque Autonomous Community, is coordinated at the Spanish level with the Communist Movement (MC), of which EMK was one of the founders.

EMK appeared after a split in ETA, after the workerist sector left the organization, founding ETA Berri. In 1969 ETA Berri changed its name to Komunistak-Movimiento Comunista Vasco, and adopted a maoist political line. In 1972 EMK finally adopted its last name: Euskadi Mugimendu Komunista.

