The National Sports Day in India is celebrated on August 29 every year. This day marks the birthday of Dhyan Chand, the hockey player who won gold medals in Olympics for India in the years 1928,1932 and 1936. This day is celebrated by organizing friendly matches between different Indian hockey teams at the Dhyan Chand National Stadium in New Delhi, which was constructed in the respect and honor of Dhyan Chand.
In Iran, October 17th is known as Physical Education & Sport day and from October 17th to 23rd named Physical Education & Sport Week. The main goal is presentation of importance of exercise in personal and social life of people and also has been emphasized in article III of the constitution.
Japan's Health and Sports Day (体育の日 Tai-iku no Hi?) is a national holiday commemorated in October. It was first held on 22 October 1966, the second anniversary of the opening of the 1964 Summer Olympics held in Tokyo. Since 2000 it has been held on the second Monday of October.
National Sports Day (Malay: Hari Sukan Negara) is a national holiday in Malaysia, held annually on the second Saturday in October, with the main objective of promoting a healthy lifestyle among its population. The first National Sports Day was held in 2015."Students, teachers nationwide participate in National Sports Day | New Straits Times | Malaysia General Business Sports and Lifestyle News".