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National Development Front

The National Development Front (NDF) was a Muslim organisation set up in Kerala. It was established in India in 1993 and merged with Popular Front of India in 2006 and stated that its objective was to "focus on socio-enonomical issues of minorities giving a focus to Kerala Muslims in Kerala".

NDF announced a plan to adhere to the dawa (missionary work) of aggressively propagating Islam among other communities. P. Koya, NDF supreme council member, wrote an article in Thejas, the organisation's magazine, magazine, that "many Muslim organisations hold the view that dawa work is fundamental to Muslims. But the same organisations pay scant attention to the work".
Their slogan is Swathantryam – Neethi – Surakrsha which means Freedom, Justice and Security. In 1997 it stood behind the formation of the Confederation of Human Rights Organizations.

Inspired by pan-Islamic reactionary movements across the country after 1992, the NDF gained a firm footing in the Malabar region after the proscription of the Islamic Sevak Sangh (ISS) organisation. Kerala police alleged that the National Development Front (NDF) is another re-incarnation of the ISS.

The National Development Front has 19 Supreme Council members. Among them is Prof P. Koya who was also one of the founding members of the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI).

In 1997 NDF conducted the National Human Rights Conference in Kozhikode. Many human rights activists and NDF activists participated. Based on discussions and understanding, a new organisation was formed called Confederation of Human Rights Organisation (CHRO).

NDF aggressively propagandised their claim to "represent the rights of minorities" up to and including launching a "minorities campaign" to gain publicity.

NDF worked closely with journalists associated with Thejas Mukundan C Menon and the CHRO, who is closely tied to Human Rights Watch International. The organisation decided to expand its activities "for the oppressed and the minorities to the rest of the country". They conducted different movements, demonstrations, rallies and other democratic strikes to:

