Multivariate t-distribution
Multivariate t
Notation |
Parameters |
location (real vector) covariance matrix (positive-definite real matrix) is the degrees of freedom
Support |
No analytic expression, but see text for approximations |
Mean |
if ; else undefined |
Median |
Mode |
Variance |
if ; else undefined |
Skewness |
0 |
In statistics, the multivariate t-distribution (or multivariate Student distribution) is a multivariate probability distribution. It is a generalization to random vectors of the Student's t-distribution, which is a distribution applicable to univariate random variables. While the case of a random matrix could be treated within this structure, the matrix t-distribution is distinct and makes particular use of the matrix structure.
One common method of construction of a multivariate t-distribution, for the case of dimensions, is based on the observation that if and are independent and distributed as and (i.e. multivariate normal and chi-squared distributions) respectively, the covariance is a p × p matrix, and , then has the density