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Moshe Shmuel Shapiro

Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Shapira (1917–2006) was a Rosh Yeshiva and important rabbinic figure in Israel. His father, Rabbi Aryeh Shapira, was the son of Rabbi Refael Shapiro of Volozhin and grandson of Rabbi Naftali Zvi Yehuda Berlin (the Netziv.) His mother was a descendant of Rabbi Yom Tov Lipman Heilpern of Bialystock (1816–1879), a descendant of Rabbi Yom-Tov Lipmann Heller. Even though his father was the Dayan of Białystok, Poland, Rav Moshe Shmuel was born in the city of Minsk, Belarus while his family was escaping the horrors of World War I.

After the war, the Shapira family returned to Białystok where Rav Moshe Shmuel studied in the local Yeshiva. Rabbi Chaim Brisker,Rav Moshe Shmuel's uncle, frequented the Shapira residence. In 1933, Rav Moshe Shmuel left home to study in the Yeshiva in Baranovich under the tutelage of Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman. Rabbi Shmuel Berenbaum, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Mir attests to the special relationship which existed between Moshe Shmuel and Rav Elchonon. Even after Rav Moshe Shmuel left Baranovichi, he continued corresponding with Rav Elchonon.

In the summer of 1936 Rav Moshe Shmuel moved to Yeshivas Mir where he immediately gained a reputation as having potential for leading the Torah world and was recognized by Rabbi Yerucham Levovitz. Rav Moshe Shmuel joined students older than himself in sleeping arrangements, despite his young age compared to them. He developed a friendship with such Torah scholars as Rabbi Yonah Karpilov of Minsk (who was murdered in the Holocaust) and Rabbi Aryeh Leib Malin. In 1937, Rav Moshe Shmuel reached the age of army conscription and had to flee Poland. He moved to Israel.

