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Mohmand (Pashto:مومند) is a Pashtun tribe son of Daulatyar tribe grandson of Ghoryakhel mainly live in Mohmand Agency, FATA, and Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan and Nangarhar, Afghanistan.

The Momands Ghoryakhel originally lived in present Mohmand region, Ghwara, Arghistan Qandahar , Ghazni and between the basins of the Tarnak river, Oxus river and Indus river for centuries along the present Pak-Afghan border.

When Peshawar was annexed formally by the British, the area that comprises the present Mohmand agency was ruled by the local tribesmen and was under the influence of Khan of Lalpura based in the Lal Pur District. The Safis were under the control of Khans of Bajaur and the Utmankhels were independent of any Khanate.

The Momands fought many times against the British India and other foreign invasion. The area of the Mohmands may be defined roughly as bounded on the East by Charsadda, and Peshawar Dist in present Pakistan. On the North by Bajour Agency; on the West by Nangarhar(Afghanistan) and on the South by the Khyber Agency; The area of Mohmand is about 1200 sq. m. The Durand line boundary line now runs through the Mohmand area. The Emir of Afghanistan in 1893 gave assurances to the Burhan Khel, Dawezai, Halimzai, Isa Khel, Tarangzai and Utmanzai sections of the Mohmands that they will not suffer by the severance of their ancient connection with Afghanistan; and these are known as the Assured Clans. Though Majority Mohmands live in Pakistan they also live in Afghanistan, primarily in Nangarhar, Ghazni, Kunar, Logar and Kunduz. Many of them live in Mohmands village of Pul-e-Jogi of Braki Brak District. Pul-e-Jogi is 10 minutes drive from Wardak Province. Dr. Waheedullah Mohmand and Dr. Mohammad Habib Mohmand are famous people known by many people from Wardak Province. Likewise, Mohmand live in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa of Pakistan, particularly Mohmand Agency.

