Mixed Blessings is a Canadian television comedy-drama series, which aired on APTN.
The show was created by Ric Beairsto, Ron E. Scott and Drew Hayden Taylor, from an original concept by Ric Beairsto. The series stars Gary Basaraba and Tina Lameman as Hank Kowalchuk and Josie Fraser, two widowed single parents in Fort McMurray, Alberta who fall in love and are faced with the challenges of successfully blending their families despite their significantly different backgrounds: Kowalchuk is Ukrainian Canadian, while Fraser is Cree.
The show's cast also includes Kirklin Maclise, Jesse Frechette, Emma Duncan, Big Daddy Tazz, Michelle Thrush, Wilma Pelly, Emma Ashbaugh, Allen Belcourt and Griffin Powell Arcand.