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Malaysian folk religion

Malaysian folk religion refers to the animistic and polytheistic beliefs and practices that are still held by many in the Islamic-majority country of Malaysia. Malaysian folk faith is practiced either openly or covertly depending on the type of rituals performed.

Some forms of belief are not recognised by the government as a religion for statistical purposes although such practices are not outlawed. There is a deep interaction between the Chinese folk religion of the large Malaysian Chinese population, and the indigenous Malaysian folk religion.

There are different types of Malaysian folk religion practised throughout the country. Shamanic performances are held by people known as dukuns, otherwise also known as dukun or pawang. Most Orang Aslis (indigenous people) are religiously animist and believe in spirits residing in certain objects. However, some have recently converted to mainstream religions due to state-sponsored Islamic da'wah or evangelised by Christian missionaries.

In Indonesia indigenous religions are also practised by various Borneo tribal groups. The Chinese generally practice their folk religion which is also animistic in nature. The word "bomoh" has been used throughout the country to describe any person with knowledge or power to perform certain spiritual rituals including traditional healing, and as a substitute for the word "shaman". Generally speaking, Indonesians have deep superstitious belief, especially more so in the rural areas.

Historically, before the arrival and spread of Islam in the 15th century, and the spread of Christianity from the 19th century, the inhabitants in the land were either Hindus or practiced indigenous faiths. In the peninsula, widespread Islamification is said to have begun in 1409 after Parameswara became Sultan of Malacca and converted into Islam after marrying a princess from Pasai. Since then, other Sultanates in the Malay peninsula have adopted Islam. Also since then, and continuing after the independence of Malaysia, Islam played a central role in Malaysian society.

