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Mahmud Hudayi

Aziz Mahmud Hudayi (1541–1628), (b. Şereflikoçhisar, d. Üsküdar), is amongst the most famous sufi ermiş (Muslim saint) of the Ottoman Empire. He was a mystic, poet, composer, author, statesman and Islamic scholar.

Born in Şereflikoçhisar, he completed his studies in a medrese in Istanbul. He was the Sheikh of Sultan Ahmed I who constructed the famous Blue Mosque and especially gained the respect of Sultan Murat III. He read the first Friday prayer in this Mosque on its opening.

The Sufi order Jelveti was founded by the Turkish saint Aziz Mahmud Hudayi.

Aziz Mahmud Hudayi served as Qadi in Edirne, Egypt, Sham (Syria), and Bursa. He was a murid and khalifah of Üftade Hazretleri. He wrote about thirty works, seven of which are in Turkish.

His dua, "Those who visit us when we are alive, and those who visit our grave after our death and read the Fatiha when passing by our tomb are ours. May those who love us not drown at sea, may they not suffer poverty in their old age, may they not pass away without saving their faith," has prompted many sailors of the Ottoman Empire to visit his grave before going out to sea.

