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Marxist-Leninist Popular Action Movement
Founded 1970s
Ideology Communism

Popular Action Movement - Marxist–Leninist (Spanish: Movimiento de Acción Popular - Marxista-Leninista) is a communist party and Hoxhaist follower in Nicaragua that surged out of a split from the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) in the early 1970s. Since 1985 it is officially named the Marxist–Leninist Party of Nicaragua (Partido Marxista-Leninista de Nicaragua), but the original name MAP-ML is far more known and has been used when participating in elections.

One of the founders of MAP-ML, Marvin Ortega, had belonged to the national leadership of FSLN. MAP-ML built up a militant trade union activism and in urban areas had its own armed militias, Milicias Populares Antisomocistas (MILPAS). In the struggle against the Somoza regime, MILPAS forces fought under the command of the FSLN.

When Albania broke with China, the MAP-ML followed Albania.

When the Revolution succeeded in 1979, MAP-ML started a series of occupations of lands and industries owned by large capitalists. In order to appease bourgeois allies, FSLN suppressed the occupations and jailed a series of MAP-ML leaders. During the Sandinista government, MAP-ML suffered repression at several points. Its newspaper, El Pueblo (The People), was closed by the government. Its labour wing, Frente Obrero (Workers Front), was also suppressed. Sections of MILPAS would reform as the Milicias Populares Anti-Sandinistas, eventually assimilating into the Nicaraguan Democratic Force, a Contra group.

MAP-ML was generally critical against the mixed economy during the FSLN government. MAP-ML was the only party that voted against the Sandinista constitution in the National Assembly.

