Lucius Valerius Messalla Thrasea Priscus (c. 156 – c. 212) was a Roman senator who was appointed consul in AD 196.
Thrasea Priscus, a member of the second century gens Valeria, was possibly the son of Lucius Vipstanus Claudius Poplicola Messalla or Lucius Valerius Messalla Thrasea Poplicola Helvidius Priscus, who may have been a praetor designatus at some point. In AD 196, Thrasea Priscus was consul posterior alongside Gaius Domitius Dexter. It is believed that around AD 198, Thrasea Priscus was the curator aquarum (or supervisor of aqueducts) in Rome.
Thrasea Priscus may have been a partisan of Publius Septimius Geta, the imperial rival of the emperor Caracalla. He became one of the victims of the earliest purges of Caracalla, being struck down in the emperor's presence after the murder of Geta.
It is speculated that Thrasea Priscus married Coelia Balbina, possibly the daughter of Marcus Aquilius Coelius Apollinaris, and a very close relative of the future Emperor Balbinus. It is believed that Thrasea Priscus had a son, Lucius Valerius Messalla Apollinaris, who was Roman consul in AD 214.