For others of this name see, Lucius Scribonius Libo.
Lucius Scribonius Libo was a Roman politician and military commander who was Consul in 34 BC and brother-in-law to both Pompey the Great and Augustus.
Libo's father of the same name was the praetor in 80 BC, and his mother was Cornelia Sulla, the daughter of Pompeia Magna (the daughter of Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus) and her first husband Faustus Cornelius Sulla (the only son of the dictator Lucius Cornelius Sulla).
A member of the plebeian Scribonia family, Libo was closely connected to the family of Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, through Libo’s grandmother Pompeia Magna. Ties were strengthened in 55 BC after Pompey’s son, Sextus Pompey, married Libo’s daughter, Scribonia. It is assumed he reached the office of praetor by 50 BC. In 49 BC, he became one of Pompey’s legates, and with the outbreak of the civil war, Pompey left him in command of Etruria. After he was driven from Etruria by Mark Antony, he took over the command of the new recruits in Campania from Ampius Balbus. He then accompanied Pompey during his withdrawal to Brundisium, and here he acted as Pompey’s intermediary with Gaius Caninius Rebilus, a close personal friend, who had been given the task by Julius Caesar to negotiate with Pompey. Rebilius advised Libo that if he could convince Pompey to reach an agreement with Caesar, Caesar would give credit to Libo in halting the civil war before it even began. Although Libo reported Caesar’s proposals, Pompey told Libo he could not agree to anything without the consuls being present.