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Loreto College, Foxrock

Loreto College, Foxrock
Foxrock, Dublin 18
Coordinates 53°16′23″N 6°10′37″W / 53.272978°N 6.177075°W / 53.272978; -6.177075Coordinates: 53°16′23″N 6°10′37″W / 53.272978°N 6.177075°W / 53.272978; -6.177075
Motto Cruci Dum Spiro Fido
(Latin for "While I breath, I trust in the cross.")
Religious affiliation(s) Roman Catholic
Established July 25, 1887
Number of students 690
Religious order Loreto Sisters

Loreto College, Foxrock is a voluntary fee paying Catholic Secondary School under the direction of the Sisters of Loreto in Dublin, Ireland.

The school was opened in 1941 at the request of the Sarah Boyce, and is situated on the N11 in Dublin in the parish of Foxrock. The Sarah Boyce asked Mother Pauline Dunne, Superior General of Loreto, to open a Junior and Secondary school in Foxrock. The Sisters arrived in the house on September 8, 1941. School began two days later. The pupil numbers were in single digits for the first few weeks, but had grown to 28 by the following Spring.

Work on the construction of the Chapel (now the Staff room) began in January 1942. It must be remembered that these early years of the 1940s marked the end of the World War II, and conditions were difficult for all. When the Architect for the Chapel sought the iron girders needed for the construction, it was found that none could be sourced. He solved the problem by supporting the roof by two rows of pillars, which were considered to add to the dignity of the building.

In September 1942, the school was officially recognised as a Secondary school by the Department of Education.

The Kindergarten/Junior school block was completed and occupied by Christmas 1942, and by May 1943, there were 50 pupils in the schools. In that year, sports began to play an important part in the curriculum of Loreto, Foxrock. However, the Annals record that wartime travelling conditions prevented participation in the inter-Loreto sports competitions; so friendly matches were arranged between the local schools. In 1952, the Junior Hockey Cup was the first trophy won by the school, under the captaincy of Chela Neary. The Annals record many sporting triumphs and trophies over the following years.

In the school year 1953 – 1954, plans were drawn up for the construction of the Concert Hall and the Science room to the front of the building. The building now known as St. Michaels was originally built in 1966.

The Annals of the school include many anecdotes about the earliest pupils who are included by name. A number of these pupils died at very young ages from illnesses, which would now be treated successfully, given advances in medical science. One such pupil was Olga Hick who appears in the records as the very first pupil to arrive in the new Loreto School in Foxrock.

The first member of the Community to die was the well-loved Mother Imelda McInerney who had been in charge of the Kindergarten from its opening until her death in 1956 at the age of 37. Many past pupils still recall her care for them and her wonderful sense of humour.

