The Backyardigans is a Canadian–American CGI-animated musical TV series created by Janice Burgess. It is a co-production of animation studio Nelvana and Nickelodeon Animation Studios. The series debuted on October 11, 2004 and ended on May 31, 2010. Reruns currently air on the Nick Jr. channel in the United States. The show airs on Treehouse TV in Canada. In 2015, the first season was included as part of Nickelodeon's Noggin app, a mobile application featuring episodes of older Nick Jr. programs.
The series was based upon a live-action pilot produced in 1998 titled Me and My Friends. During the course of the series 80 episodes of The Backyardigans aired over four seasons. The episodes are listed below in production order as ordered in the complete series collection on iTunes and not in their original broadcast order.
Uniqua and Austin become pirates and seek a hidden treasure after discovering half of a treasure map. Unbeknownst to them, Pablo and Tyrone have the other half and are looking for the same treasure.
Genre: Reggae and ska in the style of Bob Marley and The Wailers
Professor Uniqua explores the jungle to return Sherman the Worman to his home. Tarzans Pablo, Tyrone, and Austin attempt to warn her about the jungle's perils, which she is mostly unaware of.
Genre: Gilbert and Sullivan
Uniqua and Tyrone track Yeti Pablo through the Frozen North. They are accompanied by Frozen North expert Tasha, who insists that the yeti (Pablo) does not exist.
Genre: Funk in the style of James Brown
While Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers Tyrone and Pablo defend the snow fort that guards the world's largest snowball, ski patrol members Tasha and Uniqua mistake them for people in need of help.