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List of Jewish history topics

1919 Arab–Jewish agreement (Faisal–Weizmann Agreement) · 1922 Text: League of Nations Palestine Mandate · 1920 Palestine riots · 1929 Palestine riots · 1947 UN Partition Plan · 1948 Arab–Israeli War · 1949 Armistice Agreements · 1956 Suez War · 1967 Six Day War · 1970 War of Attrition · 1973 Yom Kippur War · 1978 Camp David Peace Accords between Egypt and Israel · 1982 Lebanon War · 1993 Oslo Peace Accords between Palestinians and Israel · 2000 Camp David Summit (Camp David 2000 Summit between Palestinians and Israel) · 613 mitzvot · 92nd Street Y

Ab (month) · Abaye · Abbahu · Abba Eban · Abba Arika · Abishai · Abraham · Abraham ibn Ezra · Abraham Isaac Kook · Abraham Joshua Heschel ·  · Absalom · Adar · Adin Steinsaltz · Adoni-zedec · Aelia Capitolina · Afula · Agrippa · Ahad Ha'am · Akko · Albert Einstein · Alan Dershowitz · Aliyah · American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) · American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC or "Joint") · Amidah · AMIA Bombing · Amira Hass · Amoraim · Amos (prophet) · Amos Kollek · Anne Frank · Anti-Defamation League · Antisemitism · Anti-Zionism · Anti-Zionist committee of the Soviet public · Arab al-Mawasi massacre · Arab–Israeli conflict · Arabs and antisemitism · Archaeological sites in Israel · Ariel Sharon · Ark of the Covenant · Armageddon · Arthur Koestler · Asher ben Jehiel · Ashi · Ashkelon · Ashkenazi Jews · Auschwitz concentration camp · Avraham Stern · Azriel Hildesheimer

