The following is a list of episodes for the anime television series Honey and Clover, based on the manga of the same name by Chika Umino. The series depicts the lives and relationships of five students at a Tokyo art college, four of whom live in the same apartment building. The television series was produced by J.C.Staff and consists of 38 episodes broadcast in two seasons on Fuji TV in the Noitamina programming block. The first season was directed by Ken'ichi Kasai, and consisted of 24 episodes that aired from 14 April 2005 and 29 September 2005 plus two DVD-only episodes released on volumes 5 and 7 of the DVDs. The second season was directed by Tatsuyuki Nagai, and consisted of 12 episodes that aired between 29 June 2006 and 14 September 2006.
Both seasons were rebroadcast in Japan by the anime CS television network Animax, which also later broadcast the series across its respective networks in Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, and other regions. The series was first broadcast in English on Amimax's Southeast Asia network starting 1 August 2006.
Most episodes titles are a quote or paraphrase from the episode's dialogue. The preview teaser before the episode often adds a second "title". In the following list, the title listed on the official website is listed first, followed by the title given in the teaser, if available.