The Adventures of Hijitus is an Argentine animated series created in 1967 by Spanish cartoonist Manuel García Ferré. It was the first animated series in Latin America intended for television market, and has been considered the most successful series in the history of Latin American cartoons.
The series was first broadcast on August 7, 1967, by the Canal 13, in the form of firmware daily 1 minute in length, which was repeated throughout the day at different times, then coming to the cinema in film format.
The strip is starring Hijitus a street child who lives in a sanitary sewer in the city of Trulalá that is ravaged by the actions of Professor Neurus, among others. To defend Trulalá and particularly his friends (Oaky, Pichichus, Anteojito and Larguirucho), Hijitus becomes in Super Hijitus a superhero with great force, capable of flying.
This is the pilot who used to sell the cartoon. The design of the characters almost did not change, except Larguirucho, who did not have his characteristic incisive tooth, was bald, and wore a black jacket without a shirt beneath it. Also Neurus, who was a little higher and his left lens was placed back, but in the following scenes his two lenses are ahead as in the current series.
Neurus and his gang try to rob a bank, with the help of robot Truku, but they encounter a super-boy of great powers that will prevent him.
A witch and her owl take possession of the sombreritus and both Neurus and her gang as Hijitus, will be in trouble for the powers of the sorceress who lives in a mysterious castle.
Appears the egg of a Boxitracio, unique animal of its kind and Neurus wants to seize it to sell it to the zoo of Trulalá.
While UFOs invade Trulala, Hijitus adopts Pichichus, when he sees him unprotected and about to be attacked by another larger dog.
Oaky, tired of the life of a millionaire, escapes from his mansion and meets Hijitus, whom he deceives saying that he is a poor and abandoned child.
Oaky joins the gang of Professor Neurus, who has a bakery with the idea of helping Bodegga and Rapino who are in prison.
Oaky makes a rebellion in the square with several children and Hijitus must prevent Neurus from abducting him to ask for a ransom, forcing Larguirucho to dress for the nanny Serafina to carry out his plan.