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Liberian companies

Companies in the Republic of Liberia are regulated by a variety of laws. The corporate laws of Liberia were promulgated over 50 years ago to provide an offshore jurisdiction for ship owners and the international financial community. LISCR has been appointed by the Government of Liberia as its agent, to manage the corporate registry, and to act as the sole registered agent for corporations registered in Liberia, but having their place of business elsewhere. The corporate registry is managed by LISCR from Vienna, Virginia in the US and an office in Zurich, Switzerland.

There are two income tax treaties with Sweden and Germany in force.

Additionally, Liberia as a corporate jurisdiction is on OECD’s white-list of countries that have substantially implemented tax transparency and meet the internationally agreed tax standard.

The Liberian Registry – the second largest in the world – includes nearly 4,000 ships of more than 136 million gross tons, which accounts for 12 percent of the world’s oceangoing fleet. The Liberian fleet is one of the youngest of all nations, with an average vessel age of 12 years. According to the U.S. Maritime Administration, Liberian-flagged vessels carry more than one-third of the oil imported into the United States.

The Liberian Registry is administered by the Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry (LISCR, LLC), a U.S. owned and operated company that provides the day-to-day management for the Republic of Liberia's (ROL) ship and corporate registry.

In addition to its regional offices in the major maritime centers of the world, the Liberian Registry is also supported by a world wide network of more than 400 Nautical Inspectors and Auditors.

The Liberian Registry is open to any ship owner in the world. In order to enter the Liberian registry a vessel must be less than 20 years of age and must meet high safety standards.

Liberian flagged ships are able to trade anywhere in the world. There are no crew nationality restrictions and taxes on Liberian vessels are at conservative rates based on the net tonnage. Registration of vessels is eligible to Liberian entities or registered business entities incorporated under other jurisdictions and registered as a Liberian Foreign Maritime Entity.

