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Lepidochelys olivacea

Olive ridley sea turtle
Turtle golfina escobilla oaxaca mexico claudio giovenzana 2010.jpg
An olive ridley in Escobilla Beach, Oaxaca, Mexico
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Testudines
Family: Cheloniidae
Genus: Lepidochelys
Species: L. olivacea
Binomial name
Lepidochelys olivacea
(Eschscholtz, 1829)
  • Testudo mydas minor Suckow, 1798
  • Chelonia multiscutata Kuhl, 1820
  • Chelonia olivacea Eschscholtz, 1829
  • Chelonia caretta var. olivacea Gray, 1831
  • Chelonia dussumierii Duméril & Bibron, 1835
  • Caretta olivacea Rüppell, 1835
  • Thalassochelys (Lepidochelys) olivacea Fitzinger, 1843
  • Caouana olivacea Gray, 1844
  • Caouana ruppellii Gray, 1844 (nomen nudum)
  • Chelonia subcarinata Rüppell, 1844 (nomen nudum)
  • Caouana dessumierii Smith, 1849 (ex errore)
  • Chelonia dussumieri Agassiz, 1857 (ex errore)
  • Chelonia polyaspis Bleeker, 1857 (nomen nudum)
  • Lepidochelys dussumieri Girard, 1858
  • Lepidochelys olivacea Girard, 1858
  • Chelonia dubia Bleeker, 1864 (nomen nudum)
  • Cephalochelys oceanica Gray, 1873 (nomen nudum)
  • Cephalochelys oceanica Gray, 1873
  • Thalassiochelys tarapacona Philippi, 1887
  • Thalassochelys tarapacana Philippi, 1887
  • Thalassochelys tarapacona Boulenger, 1889
  • Chelonia olivaccea Velasco, 1892 (ex errore)
  • Thalassochelys controversa Philippi, 1899
  • Caretta remivaga Hay, 1908
  • Caretta caretta var. olivacea Deraniyagala, 1930
  • Lepidochelys olivacea olivacea Deraniyagala, 1943
  • Caretta olivacea olivacea Mertens, 1952
  • Lepidochelys olivacea remivaga Schmidt, 1953
  • Caouana rueppellii Wermuth & Mertens, 1961 (ex errore)
  • Lepidochelis olivacea Tamayo, 1962
  • Lepidochelys olivaceas Kesteven, 1969 (ex errore)
  • Chelonia multicustata Márquez, 1990

The olive ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), also known as the Pacific ridley sea turtle, is a medium-sized species of sea turtle found in warm and tropical waters, primarily in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. They can also be found in warm waters of Atlantic ocean.

Growing to about 2 feet in length, the Olive ridley gets its name from its olive colored carapace, which is heart-shaped and rounded. Males and females grow to the same size; however, females have a slightly more rounded carapace as compared to the male. The heart-shaped carapace is characterized by four pairs of pore-bearing inframarginal scutes on the bridge, two pairs of prefrontals, and up to 9 lateral scutes per side. Olive ridleys are unique in that they can have variable and asymmetrical lateral scute 6 to 8 counts ranging from five to 9 plates on each side, with six to eight being most commonly observed. Each side of the carapace has 12–14 marginal scutes.

The carapace is flattened dorsally and highest anterior to the bridge. It has a medium–sized, broad head that appears triangular from above. The head's concave sides are most obvious on the upper part of the short snout. It has paddle-like forelimbs, each having two anterior claws. The upperparts are grayish green to olive in color, but sometimes appear reddish due to algae growing on the carapace. The bridge and hingeless plastron of an adult varies from greenish white in younger individuals to a creamy yellow in older specimens.

Hatchlings are dark gray with a pale yolk scar, but appear all black when wet. Carapace length ranges from 37 to 50 mm. A thin, white line borders the carapace, as well as the trailing edge of the fore and hind flippers. Both hatchlings and juveniles have serrated posterior marginal scutes, which become smooth with age. Juveniles also have three dorsal keels; the central longitudinal keel gives younger turtles a serrated profile, which remains until sexual maturity is reached.

Olive ridleys rarely weigh over 50 kg (110 lb). A study in Oaxaca, Mexico, reported a sample of adults ranged from 25 to 46 kg; adult females weighed an average of 35.45 kg (n=58), while adult males weighed significantly less, averaging 33.00 kg (n=17). Hatchlings usually weigh between 12.0 and 23.3 g.

Adults are somewhat sexually dimorphic. Mature males have longer and thicker tails, which are used for copulation, and the presence of enlarged and hooked claws on the males' front flippers allow them to grasp the female carapace during copulation. Males also have longer, more tapered carapaces than females, which have round, dome-like carapaces. Males also have more concave plastrons, believed to be another adaptation for mating. The plastrons of males may also be softer than females.

