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Latin league

Latin League
Foedus Latinum
7th century BC–338 BC
Map of the main cities of the Latin League
Capital Not specified
Languages Latin
Government Tribal Confederation
 •  Established 7th century BC
 •  Disestablished 338 BC
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Alba Longa
Roman Kingdom
Today part of  Italy

The Latin League (Latin: Foedus Latinum; c. 7th century BC – 338 BC) was an ancient confederation of about 30 villages and tribes in the region of Latium near the ancient city of Rome, organized for mutual defense. The term "Latin League" is one coined by modern historians with no precise Latin equivalent.

It was originally created for protection against enemies from surrounding areas (the Etruscans) under the leadership of the city of Alba Longa. An incomplete fragment of an inscription recorded by Cato the Elder tells us that at one time the league included Tusculum, Aricia, Lanuvium, Lavinium, Cora, Tibur, Pometia and Ardea.

During the reign of Tarquinius Superbus, the Latins were persuaded to acknowledge the leadership of Rome. The treaty with Rome was renewed, and it was agreed that the troops of the Latins would attend on an appointed day to form a united military force with the troops of Rome. That was done, and Tarquin formed combined units of Roman and Latin troops.

The early Roman Republic formed an alliance with the Latin League in 493 BC. According to Roman tradition, the treaty, the foedus Cassianum, followed a Roman victory over the league in the Battle of Lake Regillus. It provided that both Rome and the Latin League would share loot from military conquests (which would later be one of the reasons for the Latin War 341–338 BC) and that any military campaigns between the two would be led by Roman generals. The alliance helped repel attacks from such peoples as the Aequi and the Volsci, tribes of the Apennine Mountains, who were prevented from invading Latium by the blending of armies.

