La Carpa García, known in English as the García Brothers Show, was a Mexican American carpa (travelling circus tent show) that was active from 1914 – 1947. Carpa García consisted of performers from several families, including Manuel V. and Teresa García, Manolo and Florinda García, Raymond and Virginia García, Rodolfo García, Consuelo and Pilár García, Esther García Robinson, Esperanza, (who died at a very young age from a fall while performing an acrobatic act), and Aida García Castro and husband, Alfredo. Teresa García also had three talented children, Rafael, Juan, and Gilberta, from her previous marriage.
The Carpa Garcías most famous acts were a comedic routine by the character "Don Fito" and a tightrope performance by Pilár García.
The carpa was most active in the Southwestern United States, performing in California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas. While there were other Mexican carpas, La Carpa García is historically recognized as one of the more popular and long-standing Mexican tent shows from the first half of the 20th century. It has been mentioned in several scholarly publications was featured prominently at Hertzberg Circus Museum in San Antonio, Texas from 1998 – 2002.
The original touring company led by Manuel V. García and his family, began operations in San Antonio in 1914. Manuel and Teresa's children were very active in the circus and all had character roles or dancing parts in the show. Their son, Manolo, was a gifted musician who often served as ringmaster. Another son, Rodolfo, created a popular comedic character, Don Fito, who charmed audiences. Daughters Aida, Consuelo, Gilberta, Esperanza, and Esther, were beautiful and talented ladies who all danced and performed trapeze acts and other acrobatic feats. Others performers participated in popular and traditional dance numbers, contortionist acts, and magic shows. Their spouses and children also performed patriotic songs to rally the crowds during World Wars I and II.