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Stylistic origins Woodblock-printed illustrated literature
Cultural origins Edo and early Meiji Japan
Akahon (赤本?), aohon (青本?),kurohon (黒本?), kibyōshi (黄表紙?), gōkan (合巻?)
Related genres
Gesaku (戯作?)

Kusazōshi (草双紙?) is a term that covers various genres of popular woodblock-printed illustrated literature during the Japanese Edo Period (1600-1868) and early Meiji period. These works were published in the city of Edo (modern Tokyo).

In its widest sense, the term kusazōshi includes the genres of akahon (赤本?), aohon (青本?),kurohon (黒本?), kibyōshi (黄表紙?) and gōkan (合巻?); in the narrow sense it may refer uniquely to gōkan. Kusazōshi belong to the group of works of popular fiction known as gesaku (戯作?).

