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Kurozwęki Palace

Kurozwęki Palace (Polish: Pałac Kurozwęki: Latin: Castrum Curoswank) is a Baroque-Classical residence in Kurozwęki, Poland.

In the second half of the 14th century de Kurozwanky (later Kurozwęki) family erected a castle referred to in a document dating back to 1400 as “castrum Curoswank”. At the turn of next centuries the castle was rebuilt several times and given representative character finally to be converted at the end of the 18th century from an originally dwelling building with a defensive character into a Baroque and Classicistic residence.

The castle edifice located in the complex of park and palace are richly decorated with its five-axle facade and galleried courtyard.

The first note of the village appeared in 1246, in documents of Prince Bolesław Wstydliwy - comes Mistigneuus filius Martini de Kurozwansch. In the first half of the 13th century town was an estate of Poraj's family, coming as the crow flies form one of st. Wojciech's legendary brother - Poraj who was received the ground around Kurozwęki and knighthood from the Prince Bolesław Chrobry, because of his brother's merits. Later the Pojar family changed their last name to Kurozwęccy - from the name of their biggest manor.

There is a legend which says that the Kurozwęki name which means kur's sounds (polish : dźwięki) initiated from the rooster (old polish: kur), which loudly crowing helps Prince and his men to find the way to the town, while they had got lost during hunting trip.

In the second half of the 14th century gothic castle was built and later described in 1400 as Castrum Curoswank. Defensive buildings erected in the center of the town probably by Dobiesław credit, who was chatelaine of Cravow in 1381-1395. His family owned the fortalice for next 100 years. The stone oval-shaped wall about 28x40m was built in the beginning, surrounded by a moat to protect every wooden building inside. Short time later four-side and four- storey stone tower - 14m high - was built on the south side of court. The attic was made in wood and had defensive and residential function. The rest part of castle courtyard was fill up with wooden buildings. Probably on the south, outside the walls were placed farms which delivered food to the castle. Later the castle and town were transmitted to next owners who tried to change the look of castle to current standards. After Dobiesław's death in 1397 the castle changed his owners seven times during 124 years.

