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Khorvaire is fictional continent in Eberron, a campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game.

The material plane of Eberron contains four major continents, of which Khorvaire is arguably the most well-documented in the various sourcebooks. The others are Argonnessen (to the south east), Xen'drik (to the south west) and Sarlona (in the far east). The island continent of Aerenal lies just south east of Khorvaire, and to the north lies the frozen and barren continent of Frostfell.

The landmass features a number of countries:

Aundair is a mostly flat country of farmlands and vineyards, with a strong culture of craftsmen, academics, and magic. Its capital is Fairhaven, and House Lyrandar and House Orien are headquartered here. It possesses the premier academy of magic in all of Khorvaire, the Floating Towers of Arcanix. Although Aundair's army is small compared to its neighbors, it held its own throughout the Last War through its use of spellcasters within the army to employ destructive magical weapons and spells against its enemies. Aundair is governed by The Triumvirate, consisting of Queen Aurala, First Warlord Adal (who is the Royal Minister of Magic), and Lord Darro (leader of the Knights Arcane). Queen Aurala is a suspicious ruler, and as such operates the most extensive espionage system employed by any of the governments of Khorvaire, the Royal Eyes of Aundair. Its fiercest enemy during the Last War was neighboring Thrane, and relations between the two remain cold. Aundair's national symbol is the dragonhawk, a large, majestic bird of prey that can be used as a mount.

Breland is a large and powerful country that prides itself for its free speech, diversity, and acceptance as compared to the rest of Khorvaire. Although executive and judicial powers still lie with King Boranel, an elected parliament oversees the legislative duties of the country, making Breland the most democratic of any of the Five Nations. The capital of Breland is Wroat, and Breland is home to the largest city on Khorvaire, Sharn, known as the City of Towers for its towering buildings and cosmopolitan atmosphere. Breland has emerged from the Last War as the most powerful country culturally and economically, while its military power rivals that of Karrnath. Although it is the most powerful of the Five Nations emerging from the Last War, it is also the most interested in maintaining peace; King Boranel orchestrated the Treaty of Thronehold, which ended the Last War. The country produces a wide array of goods, and is especially noted for the weapons produced in the smelters and forges of Sharn. House Medani and one of the three branches of House Cannith maintain their headquarters within Sharn, while House Phiarlan operates from Wroat. After Cyre was destroyed, the surviving Cyran refugees were accepted into the country and formed a community known as New Cyre. The other nations hope for the collapse of the government after King Boranel's death, as none of his heirs have expressed near the amount of charisma or leadership skills as Boranel. Other groups within the country have clamored for the complete elimination of the monarchy and the establishment of an entirely elected government. As the largest and most populous nation (3.7 million people), it is home to the largest communities of humans (44% of Breland's populace), gnomes (14%), half-elves (10%), elves (8%) and changelings (4%).

