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Katia Grubisic

Katia Grubisic (born April 25, 1978 in Toronto, Ontario) is a Canadian writer, editor and translator.

She completed French and English literature degrees at the University of New Brunswick, and received her Master's degree from Concordia University.

Her collection What if red ran out (Goose Lane Editions, 2008) won the Gerald Lampert Memorial Award for best first book, and was a finalist for the Quebec Writers' Federation A.M. Klein Prize for Poetry. Grubisic has also won the CV2 2-Day Poem Contest, has earned an honourable mention at the National Magazine Awards, has been a finalist for the CBC Literary Awards and the Descant/Winston Collins Prize, and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Her poetry and fiction have appeared in The Malahat Review, Grain and Prairie Fire, in the anthologies Pith & Wry: Canadian Poetry, Regreen: New Canadian Ecological Poetry and The Hoodoo You Do So Well, and in other Canadian and international publications. She regularly reviews books for The Globe and Mail and The Rover, among others.

She has been guest faculty in creative writing at Bishop's University, and has taught in cegeps and for the Quebec Writers’ Federation. She has acted on the editorial boards of Qwerty, The Fiddlehead and The New Quarterly, and is an editor for Goose Lane Editions' Icehouse Poetry imprint. Her 2008 guest-edited Montreal issue of The New Quarterly won an honourable mention in the Best Single Issue category at the National Magazine Awards. She has been editor-in-chief of Arc Poetry Magazine and, from 2008 to 2012, was the coordinator of the Atwater Poetry Project reading series.

