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Julepe (Spanish: Julepe), (Catalan: Julep, also the variety Xulepe and Gilen.), is a gambling card game of Spanish origin, similar to the English five-card Loo, and best for six players. It spread rapidly across the Spanish-American countries during the 19th century.

Julepe is a variant of Tute and one of the many games of the tute family, and the game is played according to the same rules of tute. It is noted that the original Julepe, in which game three cards are dealt to each player, is the card game presently known as Tomate.

Five cards are dealt to each player from a 40-card pack lacking 8s, 9s, and 10s. The next card is turned up for trumps. Players may pass or play. Those who play must win at least two tricks, but may first discard and draw any number of replacements.

To win a game, a player should have the highest value trump card at play, non-trump card, or the highest card of the suit played by the first player. At least two tricks should be gained in game in order to gain chips toward your pot . If the opponent makes less than one, the chips wagered by this player will be subtracted from his pot. Most importantly, the name of the game is to hacer julepe or "Make the whist," i.e. winning at least two tricks during the game, as is the bare minimum.

In each game, each player should play a card, and the one who plays the highest one wins the round and the wagers from that first round, keeping in mind:

a) if the first player to play a card has the Ace of the trump suit, it is recommended that it be played. Otherwise, you should Divide the Pot, since with this action you Force the other players to play a trump card for this round.

b) if the first player leads with a card different from the trump suit, the other players are Forced to continue playing that suit. If the player is found to have played incorrectly, that player is forced to split the pot, which is also punishable by Falling, or, in the instance that the player does not have that suit, a trump card must be played. If the player has neither of the former cards, any card can be played.

