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Jose L. Torero

José Luis Torero (born in Lima, Peru) is a professor in fire safety engineering at the University of Queensland. He was formerly the BRE/RAEng Chair of Fire Safety Engineering at the University of Edinburgh. He is Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) since 2010, the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering since 2014 and The Royal Society of Edinburgh (UK) since 2008. He held the BRE/RAE Chair in Fire Safety Engineering and directed the BRE Centre for Fire Safety Engineering from 2004 to 2012.

He is co-Chair of Fire Safety at the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat since 2009.

He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Fire Safety Journal and editorial board member of the journals Fire Technology, and Progress in Energy and Combustion Science.

Torero has contributed mainly to the fields of combustion and fire sciences. His research work is in fire dynamics, flame spread, smouldering, combustion in microgravity, smoke detection, protection and suppression systems, and professional education in fire safety engineering. Since moving to Edinburgh in 2001 he has developed expertise in the behaviour of structures in fire and the use of combustion to remediate contaminated land.

He has received several awards that include the Tam Dalyell science prize (2010), Lord Ezra Award by the Combustion Engineering Association (2009), the Arthur B. Guise Medal from the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (2008), Bodycote Warrington Fire Research Prize (2007), FM Global Award at the 5th Fire and Explosions Hazard International Seminar (2007), William M. Carey (2001) and Harry C. Bigglestone (2001) best paper awards, the Lilly-Center for Teaching Excellence (1996) and E. Robert Kent (1998) Outstanding Teaching awards and honorary membership to the Salamander Fire Protection Engineering Society.

