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Idrialite, Skaggs Springs Mine, Sonoma County, California (size: 6.3 x 4.1 x 1.8 cm
Category Organic mineral
(repeating unit)
Strunz classification 10.BA.20
Dana classification
Crystal system Orthorhombic
Unknown space group
Unit cell a = 8.07, b = 6.42
c = 27.75 [Å]; Z = 4
Color Greenish yellow, light brown, colorless
Cleavage {001}, perfect; {100}, poor
Fracture Conchoidal
Mohs scale hardness 1.5
Luster Vitreous to adamantine
Specific gravity 1.236
Optical properties Biaxial (+)
Refractive index nα= 1.557 nβ = 1.734 nγ = 2.07
Pleochroism X = pale yellow; Y = Z = yellow
2V angle 84°
Ultraviolet fluorescence Short UV=blue, orange, yellow, green white

Idrialite, or idrialine, is a soft, orthorhombic hydrocarbon mineral with chemical formula: C22H14. It is usually greenish yellow to light brown in color with bluish fluorescence.

Raman spectroscopy studies indicate that it may be a mixture of complex hydrocarbons including benzonaphthothiophenes (chemical formula: C16H10S) and dinaphthothiophenes (chemical formula: C20H12S).

It was first described in 1832 for an occurrence in the Idrija region west of Ljubljana, northwestern Slovenia. It also occurs at Skaggs Springs, Sonoma County, western Lake County and the Knoxville Mine in Napa County, California. It has also been reported from localities in France, Slovakia and Ukraine.

It can be found mixed with clay, pyrite, quartz and gypsum associated with cinnabar in the Idrija occurrence and with metacinnabar, realgar and opal in the Skaggs Spring location.

Its combustibility gave rise to the term "inflammable cinnabar", which is one of its synonyms.

