International Seminars on Indo-Portuguese History or ISIPH, refers to a series of seminars, initiated by Rev. J.C. Afonso sj, former director of the Heras Institute in Bombay in December 1978.
The International Seminar on Indo-Portuguese History (ISIPH), which started in 1978 and has since then taken place in Goa (1978, 1983, 1994, 2003), Lisbon (1980, 1985), Cochin (1989), Macau (1991), Angra do Heroismo (1996), New Delhi (1998), and Salvador da Bahia (2000), all centres of influence linked with Portuguese history, described variously as its "expansion" or "colonialism".
An announcement from the Centro de Historia de Alem-Mar available online as of September 2006, says the latest International Seminar on Indo-Portuguese History is being held in October 2006.
Centro de Historia de Alem-Mar invited researchers to submit proposals for papers for ISIPH's twelfth session, in Lisbon, from October 23-27, 2006. "This year’s seminar, the twelfth in the series, seeks to explore the challenges of European competition to the Portuguese Estado da Índia," said the organisers.
Organisers of this event said up to 20 papers would be selected from those submitted to the Scientific Commission of the ISIPH. Abstracts and papers are usually submitted in Portuguese or in English, and sessions are held in those two languages.
Subthemes for the 2006 event, titled The Estado da Índia and the European Challenge include Empires: strategies and trade, Asian reactions to European competition, Agents and adventurers, The missions: between evangelisation and imperial designs, and Cultural and Artistic representations: cities, emporia and knowledge.