"I've Got No Strings" also known as "I Got No Strings" is a song from Walt Disney's animated film Pinocchio sung by Dickie Jones as Pinocchio. He dances with several types of puppets including a Dutch puppet (and several Dutch girl puppets), a French puppet (and a few grinning cancan dancing girl puppets), a Russian puppet, and Cossacks (all voiced by Patricia Page, Mae Questel and Mel Blanc). The music was written by Leigh Harline, the lyrics were written by Ned Washington. The song was published in 1940.
The recording with Dickie Jones was released by Victor Records as catalog number 26479A (in United States) and by EMI on the His Master's Voice label as catalog number BD 822.
The song was briefly sung by Terry Crews' character Hackman in the 2009 film Gamer.
A slower, darker, more ominous version of the song was played in the Avengers: Age of Ultron teaser footage shown at the 2014 San Diego Comic-Con International, and the official teaser trailer which was released in October 2014. In a dark parallel of Pinocchio, the character Ultron (voiced by James Spader) compares himself to a puppet who has broken free of his controllers and quotes the entire first verse throughout the movie.