Hysen Vrioni, also referred as Hysen Bey Vrioni was an Albanian politician during the 1920s and 1930s.
Hysen Bey Vrioni was the son of Aziz Pasha Vrioni, a member of the influential Vrioni family of south Albania. He studied law and worked as a clerk for the Ottoman Empire before the Albanian Declaration of Independence. Between others, he served as Kaymakam in Tirana. He was part of the delegation that went to Neuwied, Germany in 1914, to offer the Albanian crown to Prince Wilhelm Wied. The Congress of Lushnje elected him as Senator. He was elected in Albanian parliament during 1921-1923 affiliated with People's Party. He was twice Minister of Justice 1921-1922 and 1922-1924. He served also twice as Minister of Foreign Affairs (1925 - 1927 and 1931 - 1932).
Hysen Bey Vrioni was elected as representative of Berat in Albanian Parliament of 1932, reelected again in 1937. He served for a small time as deputy-speaker of the Parliament.
Hysen Bey Vrioni is remembered for the First Pact of Tirana on November 27, 1926 where he signed on behalf of Ahmet Zogu, while Baron Pompeo Aloisi signed for the Italian side.
The Albanian left-wing leader and Bishop Fan Noli had a low opinion on him considering Vrioni's feudal and Ottoman background and his loyalty to Ahmet Zogu, proclaimed King of Albania in 1925. He called Vrioni a "turkoman".