Husayn Al-Musawi (also Hussein Musawi) is a Lebanese who founded the now-dissolved pro-Iranian Islamist militia Islamic Amal in 1982. He was a Shia.
Musawi was a "chemistry teacher turned militia commander" who became the deputy head and official spokesman of the Amal movement/party/militia, Lebanon's largest Shi'ite movement.
On June 21, 1982 he defected from Amal to start the Islamic Amal splinter group, operating out of Baalbek, Lebanon. Musawi disapproved of Amal leader Nabih Berri's participation in the first session of the six-man Lebanese National Salvation Committee, his acceptance of "U.S. diplomatic efforts to end the Israeli siege of West Beirut, which was also Amal's strong hold," and his opposition to the pledging of pan-Islamic allegiance by Amal to Iranian Revolutionary Islamist leader Ayatollah Khomeini.
Under his leadership, Islamic Amal captured a Lebanese Gendarmerie barracks on November 21, 1982, during the Lebanese Civil War. Overpowering the Gendarmerie under the command of Sheikh Abdullah, he then turned it over to the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.
Musawi was a strong supporter of Iran. Musawi's pro-Iranian position was in part a reflection of having been trained in Iran and having been one of the elite protégés of Mostafa Chamran, the Iranian Defense Minister who had worked in Lebanon with Amal before the Shah's overthrow.
We are her [Iran's] children. We are seeking to formulate an Islamic society which in the final analysis will produce an Islamic state. ... The Islamic revolution will march to liberate Palestine and Jerusalem, and the Islamic state will then spread its authority over the region of which Lebanon is only a part.`
Musawi was also a prominent member of Hezbollah (where he served on the consultative council.)