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A New Zealand Huntaway
Other names New Zealand Huntaway
New Zealand Sheepdog
Origin New Zealand
Weight 25–40 kilograms (55–88 lb)
Height 56–66 centimetres (22–26 in)
Coat smooth or rough (grizzled)
Color variable, commonly black and tan, tricolour
Life span 12-14 years
Classification / standards
NZKC Working standard
Notes may be registered with the New Zealand Sheepdog Trial Association
Domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris)
Weight 25–40 kilograms (55–88 lb)
Height 56–66 centimetres (22–26 in)
Coat smooth or rough (grizzled)
Color variable, commonly black and tan, tricolour
Life span 12-14 years
Classification / standards
NZKC Working standard

The Huntaway is a large, strongly built breed of dog used for general sheep herding tasks in New Zealand, where they originate, but especially for driving sheep away from the shepherd, hence their name. They are usually black and tan coloured and were bred to use their loud, deep bark to herd sheep. The breed is relatively new, dating as a distinct breed from the late 19th century. Dogs that win at trials may be registered by the New Zealand Sheep Dog Trial Association in their studbook, but the breed does not have a defined appearance or lineage, and is distinguished only on working ability.

Huntaways are large, deep-chested dogs that generally weigh in the region of 25–40 kilograms (55–88 lb). Their coats can vary in colour; colours include black, black and tan (usually) with some white or brindle. Their coats can also come in different textures; they can be smooth, rough, or grizzly and they are generally floppy eared. A huntaway’s height is usually in the range of 56–66 centimetres (22–26 in).

They are required to have great intelligence, agility and stamina for days of working on steep, rough country over large distances, driving very large mobs of sheep. Their bark is deep and repeating, usually with a short pause between barks, which allows the barking to be sustained for very long periods.

The huntaway was developed as a breed in response to farming conditions found in the New Zealand high country. The vast pastoral runs or Stations, such as those in the high country of the South Island, required teams of dogs who could work mustering for days on end, covering great distances on rough steep country. High country stations typically cover many thousands of hectares, and were often unfenced. British sheepdogs used by early New Zealand farmers mostly worked sheep silently, but occasionally a dog would use its bark to herd sheep. This characteristic was liked by some farmers, especially for driving sheep on rough, steep hill country where a dog may disappear from view, making a dog that drives stock by sight less useful. Collies and other working sheepdogs with the barking trait would have been crossed with any other breed that had other desirable traits, including size, stamina and a steady barking ability, as these are the traits that differentiate the huntaway from the heading dog today, but the exact lineage is not known.

The earliest references to huntaways are in the late 19th century. A sheepdog trial with a specific class for huntaways was advertised in the Upper Waitaki in 1870. "Wanted" advertisements for "huntaway sheepdogs" were in the Otago Daily Times newspaper in 1884, heading and huntaway collies were advertised for sale in 1885. The huntaway was further developed as a separate breed from the heading dog during the 20th Century.

