Highway Thru Hell is a Canadian reality TV show that follows the operations of Jamie Davis Motor Trucking, a heavy vehicle rescue and recovery towing company based in Hope, British Columbia. The show focuses on the hardships of operating along the highways of the BC Interior, especially the Coquihalla Highway (Coq).
The show was created by Mark A. Miller, Kevin Mills and Neil Thomas. Neil Thomas met one of Jamie Davis' heavy rescue operators after his moving truck broke down on Highway 5 in the summer of 2010. In the early winter of 2011 Cameraman Kevin Mills and executive producer Mark Miller were passing through Hope, BC and dropped in on Jamie Davis Motor Truck. The idea of a show about heavy recovery was discussed, Davis expressed a desire to change the public's perceptions about his industry. The winter of 2010-2011 had been a record setting season for JDMT. The show debuted on Discovery Channel (Canada) on Tuesday 4 September 2012 in Canada. Steep hills, lethal drop-offs, killer rockslides, and the worst weather in a decade captivated audiences, with Highway Thru Hell ranking as the #1 series premiere in Discovery Channel Canada's history. Its second season, premiered on September 3, 2013, and featured 13 episodes as well as four reloaded episodes with new content, factoids and viewer tweets.
At the end of season 2, Jamie Davis sought out new territory, expanding his business along Alberta Highway 63 as competition in Hope, B.C. became more intense.
In Season 3 Jamie Davis is seen dealing with the growing pains of business expansion, especially as senior drivers step into managerial roles in his absence, often leaving chaos in their wake.
Filming occurred during the winter season of 2014 - 2015 in all BC and Alberta locations for Season 4, as Jamie's company is split into two teams. Al Quiring's family business, Quiring Towing, features more prominently this 4th season.
Season 5 of Highway Thru Hell aired on Discovery Canada beginning on September 13, 2016.
Jamie Davis towing has since closed the Alberta offices and is now operating out of Hope, Surrey and Chilliwack BC.
The crew uses Toyota Tundras as their main full-sized pickup trucks, with heavy support from Toyota Canada. Additional vehicles include an HR116 which has a 50-ton capacity, HR50 Peterbilt, and HR117 which is a tridem, 50-ton wrecker with side puller (SP 850-XP). HR116, HR150 and HR117 are all Western Star Trucks and built by Miller Industries.