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Hawker Britton

Hawker Britton is an Australian government relations management consulting firm specialising in public affairs, government lobbying and corporate campaigns. The firm is closely aligned with the Australian Labor Party, and has been directly involved with many federal, state and territory ALP campaigns since 1997.

It is the largest lobbying firm in Australia measured on the number of clients on the Australian Government Federal Lobbyist Register, and has offices around Australia and in New Zealand.

Hawker Britton is majority owned by the STW Group, the ASX listed parent company of more than 70 diversified marketing firms in Australia, New Zealand and south east Asia.

The current Managing Director is Justin Di Lollo, a former staffer to Labor leader Kim Beazley. Di Lollo also heads the STW Group government relations function.

Simon Banks is the company's Federal Director. Banks worked for three Federal Labor Leaders, including Kevin Rudd. He managed the Kevin07 campaign, part of Labor's successful 2007 Federal election strategy. The Power Index ranked Banks the third most influential among all lobbyists in Canberra in November 2011.

The firm's website shows it employs many former Labor Party staffers, MPs and campaign professionals.

Hawker Britton was established in 1997 by Bruce Hawker and David Britton. Before starting the company, Bruce Hawker was Chief of Staff to New South Wales Premier Bob Carr, and Britton was Carr's senior media advisor.

Since then, Bruce Hawker and Hawker Britton have served as election campaign strategists in more than 29 Australian, Federal, State and Territory elections. He has been described as a stalwart of Labor campaigning.South Australian Premier Mike Rann described Hawker as "the greatest political strategist in Australia".

