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Hausberg (lit.: "house mountain", plural: Hausberge) is German for a prominent mountain or hill in the immediate vicinity of a village, town or city, usually located on its municipal territory, but outside the built up area. It means something like the "local mountain" or "local hill" closely associated with a settlement by its population. The Hausberg forms a backdrop to its home settlement and also offers a prominent viewing point looking over the settlement. As a result, many Hausberge have cable cars or gondola lifts to transport visitors to the top. "Hausberg" is also the proper name of numerous local mountains and hills in German-speaking countries.

The Hausberg does not have to lie within the town's municipal boundaries: The Pfänder, the Hausberg of the town of Bregenz in Austria, is in the municipality of Lochau and the highest summit of the Pilatus, the Hausberg of Lucerne, is even just outside the Canton of Lucerne.

A hill within a town or city itself is usually referred to in German as a Stadtberg.

The following list contains a selection of well known Hausberge (with heights):

