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Hanefi Avcı

Hanefi Avcı (born 1956, Kahramanmaraş Province) is a former chief of police in Turkey, and author of the best-selling book Haliç’te Yaşayan Simonlar, in which Avcı claimed that the Gülen movement had infiltrated the police and manipulated key trials such as the Ergenekon trials through judges and prosecutors close to the movement. Avcı, a conservative Islamist, was himself once close to the movement, and his children were educated in a Gülen school. Avcı, who in the 1990s testified to parliament in relation to the Susurluk scandal and in 2009 to prosecutors about the mafia links of the Ergenekon organization, was the first Turkish state official to confirm the existence of the Turkish Gendarmerie's JITEM intelligence unit.

Shortly after publishing the book, Avcı was arrested, accused of leaking information to the nominally Marxist-Leninist Devrimci Karargâh. Later he was additionally charged with being connected with the Ergenekon organization, in the odatv case.

From 1976 to 1984 he was active in the police in Mersin Province, involved in anti-terror operations. During this time he was responsible for several deaths by torture; in 1997 he met some of his torture victims and apologised. From 1984 to 1992 he worked in the police in Diyarbakir, before being appointed the head of the Istanbul Intelligence Branch (İstanbul İstihbarat Şube Müdürlüğü) in 1992. He was promoted to Vice President of the Intelligence Department (İstihbarat Daire Başkan Yardımcılığı) in 1996. His statements to the parliamentary commission investigating the Susurluk scandal, on the links between the police, intelligence services and organised crime saw him suspended from the police; he was later reinstated.

