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Grade 13

Thirteenth grade, grade thirteen or Year 13 is (or was formerly) the final year of secondary school in some jurisdictions.

The Ontario Academic Credit (OAC) (French: Cours préuniversitaire de l'Ontario or CPO) was a fifth year of secondary school education designed for students preparing for post-secondary education that previously existed in the province of Ontario, Canada. The OAC curriculum was codified by the Ontario Ministry of Education in Ontario Schools: Intermediate and Senior (OS:IS) and its revisions. The Ontario education system had five years of secondary education, the fifth year known as "grade 13" from 1921 to 1988. Then grade 13 was replaced in 1984 by the OAC for students starting high school (grade 9). The OAC continued to act as a fifth year of secondary education until it was phased out in 2003.

In Germany students wishing to take the Abitur usually had to attend a thirteenth grade, but most states are shortening the Gymnasium (the university-bound secondary school system in Germany) from nine to eight years.

In Italy the thirteenth grade is the final year of secondary school, the fifth one. Students who have completed the thirteenth grade with a final grade in each subject greater or equal than 6/10 can study for the final examination, the "Esame di Stato" (State Exam), (informally the Maturità) an extensive examination taking place usually between the months of June and July, consisting of three written tests and an extensive oral examination. Passing this State exam is normally a requirement for further education.

In New Zealand the thirteenth grade, known as Year 13, is the fifth and final year of secondary school. Students generally study their chosen subjects at Level 3, the highest level of qualifications of the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (or NCEA). Level 3 exams take place between November and December. NCEA Level 3 is currently required to attend University in New Zealand.

