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Frank "Frankie" Baldwin

Martin Cheveski
Coronation Street character
Portrayed by Jonathan Caplan
First appearance 16 June 1980
Episode 2004
Last appearance 31 December 1980
Episode 2061
Introduced by Bill Podmore
Classification Former; regular
Arnold Swain
Coronation Street character
Portrayed by George Waring
Duration 1980–1981
First appearance 23 April 1980
Episode 1989
Last appearance 11 March 1981
Episode 2081
Introduced by Bill Podmore
Classification Former; regular
Frankie Baldwin
Coronation Street character
Portrayed by Sam Kydd
Duration 1980–1982
First appearance 1 December 1980
Episode 2052
Last appearance 4 January 1982
Episode 2166
Introduced by Bill Podmore
Classification Former; recurring

Martin Cheveski was introduced in 1980 as Elsie Tanner's second grandson. Previous scripts had eststablished that Elsie only had one grandson, 19-year-old Paul; however, producers were keen to introduce a younger character and invented a second son for Elsie's daughter Linda. However, despite this decision the show cast an older actor in the role, with Daran Little later stating in his book The Life and Times of Coronation Street that this damaged the character's popularity as 'Jonathan Caplan never managed to look 16'. Little also commented on the irony of producers opting not to introduce Elsie's existing 19-year-old grandson, stating 'the actor would have been perfect for the part'.

Martin was born in Canada in 1964. His parents Ivan and Linda, and older brother Paul, had emigrated there in 1961 but the family returned to England in 1966, specifically Birmingham, where Martin went to school.

After leaving school at sixteen, Martin struggled to find a job and got into rows with Ivan. After a fall-out, Martin decided to stay with his grandma Elsie Tanner in Weatherfield. He made his own way there, arriving unannounced at Elsie's door on 16 June 1980 (although technically as Elsie wasn't at home, Martin climbed over the back wall and was grabbed by Len Fairclough, who thought he was breaking in). Elsie agreed to Martin living there, with Linda's approval.

As it transpired, Martin had made the right decision, at least on the employment front. He was good with his hands, and Len, who owned the local Builder's Yard, was a close friend of Elsie's and readily agreed to take Martin on as an apprentice. This upset the yard's labourer Eddie Yeats as there wasn't enough work at the yard for the three of them, and unsurprisingly it was Eddie who faced the chop, having unsuccessfully tried to put Martin off the job.

In August, Martin was repairing the water boiler at Baldwin's Casuals when he took a shine to the new trainee Karen Oldfield. Karen returned his affections and they went to a dance together. They soon fell for each other but a complication then arose in the form of Karen's protective father, who barred Karen from seeing Martin when Martin got Karen drunk on Elsie's gin while entertaining her at No.11 in Elsie's absence. Martin arranged to meet Karen despite the ban but to his shock it was Mr. Oldfield who showed up, to warn him off Karen personally. Karen was still willing to see Martin, but as Elsie wouldn't let them use No.11, Martin used the yard as a meeting place, with them seeing each other there on nights.

