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Exchequer of Ireland

The Exchequer of Ireland was a body in the Kingdom of Ireland tasked with collecting royal revenue. Modelled on the English Exchequer, it was created in 1210 after King John of England applied English law and legal structure to his Lordship of Ireland. The Exchequer was divided into two parts; the Superior Exchequer, which acted as a court of equity and revenue in a way similar to the Exchequer of Pleas, and the Inferior Exchequer, which directly collected revenue from those who owed The Crown money, principally rents for Crown lands. The Exchequer primarily worked in a way similar to the English legal system, holding a similar jurisdiction (right down to the use of the Writ of Quominus) and similar procedure to the Court of Chancery, the primary court of equity in England and Wales. Following the Act of Union 1800, which incorporated Ireland into the United Kingdom, the Exchequer was merged with the English Exchequer in 1817 and ceased to function as an independent body.

The Exchequer of Ireland was formed in 1210, when King John applied English law, which included the Exchequer, to Ireland. Like the English Exchequer, the Exchequer of Ireland was divided into two parts; the judicial, or Superior Exchequer, which was a court, and the receipt, or Inferior Exchequer, which was tasked with receiving rents and other revenues for The Crown. The principal purpose of the Exchequer was to act as a treasury, taking in revenues, with the receipt department collecting money and the court acting in cases where this money was not paid, or where there was some dispute over it. As with the English Exchequer, the judicial part was a court of both law and equity, and was occasionally known as the Irish Exchequer of Pleas, after the English body. The Inferior Exchequer, tasked with collecting revenues, remained part of the Exchequer long after the English Inferior Exchequer had become a distinct body. The Exchequer was finally dissolved in 1817, when it was amalgamated with the Exchequer of Great Britain following the Act of Union 1800.

