Euny Hong is a Korean-American and self-proclaimed Jewish journalist and author.
Hong was born in New Jersey, the United States. At age 12, she moved to Seoul, Korea with her family, and was educated in both the Korean public school system and an international school (Seoul Foreign School). After high school, she returned to the US to attend Yale University, from which she graduated with a B.A. in Philosophy.
Hong is the author of the novel Kept: A Comedy of Sex and Manners (2006) and a non-fiction book, The Birth of Korean Cool: How One Nation is Conquering the World Through Pop Culture (2014), which has been published in seven languages. She was a Senior Columnist for the U.S. edition of the Financial Times, in which capacity she originated and wrote a weekly television column and other articles on culture. She was awarded a Fulbright Beginning Professional Journalism Award.
She spent 6 years in Paris, France, 5 of which were as a journalist for , an international news network. She has also lived in Frankfurt and Berlin, Germany. She is fluent in English, Korean, French and German.
Her works have appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The New Republic, The Daily Beast, The Atlantic, and elsewhere. She has written on the French Jewish community for the blog Open Zion and possesses a shaky understanding on all things Korean.
Kept: A Comedy of Sex and Manners, Simon and Schuster, 2006. (German edition:"Katerfrüstuck in New York," Blanvalet 2008)