The BioShock series is a collection of story-driven first person shooters in which the player explores dystopian settings created by Ken Levine and his team at Irrational Games. The first two games, BioShock and its direct sequel, BioShock 2, take place in the underwater city of Rapture in the 1950s and 1960s, which was influenced heavily by Ayn Rand's Objectivism. The third installment, BioShock Infinite, is set aboard the floating air-city of Columbia in 1912, designed around the concept of American Exceptionalism. Though Infinite is not a direct sequel to the previous games, the game is thematically linked; a short scene within the core Infinite game returns to Rapture, while the downloadable content BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea tie in many of the plot elements between BioShock and BioShock Infinite.
As a heavily plot-driven series of games, Bioshock contains a long list of non-playable characters (NPC) with which the player interacts and which drive the games' respective stories.
Jack is the protagonist of BioShock, whom the player controls throughout the game. He begins the first game aboard an airplane, which crashes near a lighthouse in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean containing a bathysphere terminal providing entry to Rapture. During his journey through Rapture, Jack encounters various gene-altering substances known as plasmids and Gene tonics, which he uses to defend himself. As Jack travels through Rapture, he has strange visions of his family, but eventually he discovers that he is the illegitimate son of Andrew Ryan and Jasmine Jolene, "Andrew Ryan's Favorite Girl." After becoming pregnant, Jasmine sold her fertilized egg to Brigid Tenenbaum, an employee of Frank Fontaine. Jack was genetically conditioned to age rapidly and to follow any order followed by "would you kindly," a phrase which Atlas uses throughout the game to control the main character and his actions.