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El Capitán Alatriste

Diego Alatriste y Tenorio
Created by Arturo Pérez-Reverte
Nickname(s) Captain Alatriste
Gender Male
Occupation Soldier and Swordsman
Title "Captain"
Significant other(s)

Caridad la Lebrijana, Tavern Keeper and

Former Prostitute
Nationality Spanish

Caridad la Lebrijana, Tavern Keeper and

Captain Alatriste (Spanish: El capitán Alatriste, fully titled Las aventuras del capitán Alatriste) is a series of novels by Spanish author Arturo Pérez-Reverte. It deals with the adventures of the title character, a Spanish soldier and man of fortune living in the 17th century.

Projected novels, according to the book sleeves:

A movie based on the series, titled Alatriste, was released on September 1, 2006, directed by Agustín Díaz Yanes and starring Viggo Mortensen.

The series started as Pérez-Reverte was disappointed with the lack of treatment of the history of the Spanish Golden Age in the school textbook of his teenage daughter Carlota. He commissioned Carlota to gather documentation for him (hence, she is billed as co-author of the first novel) and developed the stories. Pérez-Reverte is influenced by the works of many novelists, in particular 19th-century writers like Alexandre Dumas, and his D'Artagnan Romances. He also applies the dark tone of his experiences as a war reporter.

The period settings allow him to insert references to the authors (including Lope de Vega and Cervantes)and artists (including Diego Velázquez) read and appreciated at the time, one of the most important in Spanish history. He reflects on Spain and the Spaniards as a united people who, in spite of being at war with all the major European powers, are capable of showing bravery and honour.

