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EU Military Staff

European Union Military Staff
Coat of arms of the European Union Military Staff.svg
Coat of arms
Website http://eeas.europa.eu/csdp/structures-instruments-agencies/eu-military-staff/index_en.htm

The European Union Military Staff (EUMS) is a department of the European Union (EU), responsible for supervising operations within the realm of the Common Security and Defence Policy. It is directly attached to the private office of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, currently Federica Mogherini, and is formally part of the European External Action Service.

In addition to providing strategic advice to the High Representative, the EUMS reports to the European Union Military Committee (EUMC), an intergovernmental Council body made up of the Chiefs of Defence. Its main task is to perform "early warning, situation assessment and strategic planning for Petersberg tasks" and to implement CSDP missions (2001/80/CFSP, annex article 2) such as EUFOR Althea and the other European Union Force missions in Chad/CAR and the DR Congo. The EUMS current consists of 200+ military and civilian personnel.

The EUMS is located in the Kortenberg building, a short distance from the Berlaymont building, at Avenue de Kortenberg 150, B-1040 Brussels. Nearby is the Belgian Royal Military Academy building.

EUMS is headed by a Director General (DG), since May 2016 Lieutenant General Esa Pulkkinen from Finland.

The previous Director Generals of the EU Military Staff:
Lieutenant General Wolfgang Wosolsobe (AUT) (2013-2016),
Lieutenant General Ton van Osch (NDL) (2010-2013),
Lieutenant General David Leakey (UK) (2007-2010),
Lieutenant General Jean-Paul Perruche (2004-2007).

