Direct Action (ukr. «Пряма дія») is a network of independent student unions in Ukraine. The union was founded in 2008 by the students of Kiev University. Legalized on April 15, 2009, the union has its branches in a number of Kiev universities and also in several regional centers of Ukraine.
A student union under the name of "Direct Action" already existed in Kiev in the middle of the 1990s. During the time of its existence, the union succeeded in a number of actions, aimed at the protection of students' rights. These were the first attempts to raise the students' movement in Ukraine. The trade union have been existing until 1998.
In 2008, when students decided to create the new independent trade union, it was decided to take the name "Direct Action" as a sign of maintenance of youth resistance traditions. Thus, "Direct Action" of the 1990s was conventionally named "the first generation". Some activists of the "first generation" are still contributing to the work of the trade union now.
According to the "Direct Action" manifesto, the trade union is aimed at the creation of student organization from below, which is based on the horizontal principles of . This organization should gradually replace the bureaucratic apparatus and form the relations in the educational sphere on the basis of equal rights, direct democracy and cooperation.
The union is fighting against the commercialization of the education, aiming at absolutely free education. At the same time, it asserts the social rights of students, which include improvement of conditions in dormitories, the rise of monthly allowances, the elimination of requisitions, student exploitation etc.
"Direct Action" advocates the principles of free (libertarian) pedagogy in the educational process. The union strives for the equal rights of the student and the lecturer, for the democratic forming of the educational programs, the facultative attendance and subjects' choice. It also supports the full secularization of science and education.